What is Supervised Access?
Supervised access is designed to maintain contact between a child and a parent when there are concerns for the emotional or physical well-being of a child. Parenting time occurs in the presence of a third person who is responsible for observing the interaction of the participants and ensuring the safety of those involved.
Most families who participate in visitation programs have been ordered by the court to do so. Typically, the Courts will order supervised access based on issues of protection and safety.
Our visitation program is designed to maintain contact between a child and parent during the court process and the time when a parent is working on identified issues. A court may also order these services when contact is being reestablished after a prolonged absence; allowing both child and parent to become reacquainted in an environment that is comfortable for the child.
How often can a parent visit with their child?
The Court’s order will specify how often a parent can visit with a child.
Please see Recommendations for Supervised Visits for age-appropriate visiting schedules.
Therapeutic Solution facilitates visits from 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Wednesday through Sunday. Respite Care is based on appointments. Every effort is given to accommodate previously agreed visitation times, however, due to constraints on the facility and number of facilitators, parties may have to be open to changes in the schedule. Any changes will be coordinated prior to the scheduled visits.

How can Supervised Access help?
Many benefits are possible. Supervised access provides a safe setting that allows children to develop or renew a healthy relationship with the visiting parent. It can reduce conflict and make sure no one will be hurt or unfairly blamed for trying to do harm. It can offer an opportunity to reinforce good parenting skills. It provides time for trust to develop between parents and children. During long court processes, it can allow for continued contact between parents and children.
The procedures and ground rules from the initial intake to the final visit are designed to support every family member and eliminate risk.
What are the benefits?
For the child
It allows the child to maintain a relationship with both parents. They can anticipate the visits without the stress of worrying about what is going to happen, and enjoy their time in a safe, comfortable environment without being put in the middle of their parents’ conflict and/or other problems.
For the visiting parent
Adult participants may have ambivalent feelings or frustration over program rules. We understand visiting with a child in the presence of a third party can be uncomfortable at first. Most children and parents quickly adjust to the situation. If there are allegations against them, they can visit without fear of any new accusations because there is someone present who can verify what happened during their time together. It is best if the parent is able to put aside any feelings they may have towards the system or the other parent and focus on the relationship with their child.
For the custodial parent
Visitation arrangements are made by the center, so you don’t have any contact before, during, or after the visit with a person with whom you are in conflict. In the safe atmosphere provided by the program, you can allow your child to have contact with the other parent without worry and have time for yourself.
For all parties
It is important parents remain flexible. Remember, this is about the children and their needs. It may require some sacrifices on the part of the adults. You probably will not have any difficulty if you can truly think about it from the child’s point of view.