Registration Process
How much visitation?
It is preferable to not list specific days and times as The Therapeutic Solution providers of Therapeutic Supervised Visitations are Mental Health Professionals. may not be able to accommodate them. It is better to state how much visitation you are allowed: i.e. Two 2-hour visits a week.
Who pays for our services?
- DFS clients are covered by the Clark County Department of Family Services.
- For all other systems, if the court order does not specify who pays, our policy is the visiting parent pays for all visits. Each parent is responsible for their own intake fee.
How to start the process?
- One or both parties need to contact The Therapeutic Solution. You can do this by completing our Registration Form.
- You will receive an email confirming that we received your information within 24 hours.
- For DFS clients, your DFS worker and our scheduling team will facilitate the scheduled time to meet.
- If you are a referral from DFS it is up to you, your worker, and the caregiver to coordinate visitation dates and times. We will be responsible for facilitating the needs of the visit.
- If you are a referral from the court, it is your responsibility to supply us with the order. the court or your attorney will not contact us on your behalf, nor will they supply us with a copy of the order.
- Upon receipt of your contact information, a packet of information will be sent to each party. Complete the questionnaire and contact our office to schedule your intake appointment.
- For Therapeutic Supervised Visits the visits must be sent over by a referral from your worker or the judge. With Therapeutic Supervised Visits, each party must complete an intake interview (separately) before visits can start.
- Bring the completed questionnaire and a copy of the signed court order with you to the interview. Due to the discussion of adult information, children may not be present during this time.
- Payment of $85 for the intake ($170 if you are responsible for paying for both parties) is due at the time of your appointment.
Once all parties have completed the intake process, The Therapeutic Solution will schedule visitation based on the court’s order and the availability of all parties. Although The Therapeutic Solution makes every effort to accommodate scheduling requests, that may not be possible due to the current scheduled times of the families we are already serving. If the court’s order specifies specific days and times and we are not able to accommodate them, it may be necessary for you to return to court to change the order.
Activities to do at a Supervised Visit
- Play Air Hockey.
- Make bead jewelry.
- Have your child teach you their favorite Wii game.
- Make a family banner using hand prints to tell about family members.
- Build with Legos
- Origami
- Play Board Games
- Make cards for relatives; include a picture of the kids to make the card special.
- Build a Train Track
- Take a picture storybook and cover up the written text. Have your children create their own story
- Play Pretend with Fisher Price Play Sets
- Tell each other jokes
- String different pasta shapes on yarn to make strands
- Read a book
- Color/Draw
- Make a colorful collage of magazine pictures.
- Play with Building Blocks
The Registration Process
All services begin with a court order. We do not take cases without one. The order should specify the following:
How much visitation?
It is preferable to not list specific days and times as The
Therapeutic Solution may not be able to accommodate them. It is better to state how much visitation you are allowed: i.e. Two 2-hour visits a week.
Who pays for our services?
- DFS clients are covered by the Clark County Department of Family Services.
- For all other systems, if the court order does not specify who pays, our policy is the visiting parent pays for all visits. Each parent is responsible for their own intake fee.
How to start the process?
- One or both parties need to contact The Therapeutic Solution. You can do this by completing our Registration Form.
- You will receive an email confirming that we received your information within 24 hours.
- For DFS clients, your DFS worker and our scheduling team will facilitate the scheduled time to meet.
- If you are a referral from DFS it is up to you, your worker, and the caregiver to coordinate visitation dates and times. We will be responsible for facilitating the needs of the visit.
- If you are a referral from the Court, it is your responsibility to supply us with the order. the court or your attorney will not contact us on your behalf, nor will they supply us with a copy of the order.
- Upon receipt of your contact information, a packet of information will be sent to each party. Complete the questionnaire and contact our office to schedule your intake appointment.
- For Therapeutic Supervised Visits the visits must be sent over by a referral from your worker or the judge. With Therapeutic Supervised Visits, each party must complete an intake interview (separately) before visits can start.
- Bring the completed questionnaire and a copy of the signed court order with you to the interview. Due to the discussion of adult information, children may not be present during this time.
- Payment of $85 for the intake ($170 if you are responsible for paying for both parties) is due at the time of your appointment.
Once all parties have completed the intake process, The
Therapeutic Solution will schedule visitation based on the Court’s order and the availability of all parties. Although The
Therapeutic Solution makes every effort to accommodate scheduling requests, that may not be possible due to the current scheduled times of the families we are already serving. If the Court’s order specifies specific days and times and we are not able to accommodate them, it may be necessary for you to return to court to change the order.
Activities to do at a Supervised Visit
- Play Air Hockey.
- Make bead jewelry.
- Have your child teach you their favorite Wii game.
- Make a family banner using hand prints to tell about family members.
- Build with Legos
- Origami
- Play Board Games
- Make cards for relatives; include a picture of the kids to make the card special.
- Build a Train Track
- Take a picture storybook and cover up the written text. Have your children create their own story
- Play Pretend with Fisher Price Play Sets
- Tell each other jokes
- String different pasta shapes on yarn to make strands
- Read a book
- Color/Draw
- Make a colorful collage of magazine pictures.
- Play with Building Blocks